Experience Comfort and Relief with Recovapro Lite


June 20, 2021 3 min read

Another barrier to achieving our goals is procrastination. We may have a well-organized plan, however, such may never be put into action because we procrastinate. We tend to put off doing things, especially if there are other more choices we prefer to make.

Procrastination is when you put off tasks that need to be focused on, which may lead to poor quality of work and missed deadlines, as well as a damaged reputation! When some people say that they perform better when they procrastinate or that they don’t mind procrastinating as long as they get the job done, they have to rethink and reflect on this claim as procrastination is, most of all, a negative behavior. Procrastination involves unnecessary and unwanted delays and is associated with a number of adverse problems, including increased stress, lower task performance, reduced well-being, regret and suffering, and risk of mental and physical illness. 

Procrastination is NOT about being lazy, since it happens when we work as intensely and hard as possible for long hours just before deadlines. So, why do we procrastinate and, what are some things we can do to avoid it?

First, it's important to recognize the signs of procrastination

Most people know when they're procrastinating, but there are hints you can definitely watch out for. For instance, you might be spending a lot of time working on low-priority tasks while putting aside or on a halt the most important ones. Or, maybe you’re waiting for some motivation or appropriate mood to start focusing on priority tasks. As with most cases, awareness of the problem is the key to constructing an effective solution. Just knowing your true reasons for procrastinating makes it easier for you to manage it.

Next, think about and understand the reasons why you tend to adopt such behavior.

For instance, are you intimidated by the scale of the job and lack self-confidence to get things done, or you’re just feeling disorganized and having trouble concentrating to start on a task? Or, maybe you’re just being too perfectionist and worried of committing mistakes. Once a clear reason for procrastination has been established, appropriate management can be structured and planned.

Come up with strategies!!!

Once recognizing and understanding your reasons for procrastination have been made, there are a lot of ways to think and try to avoid it. If you're not motivated to get started on a task, think of the consequences of not completing this task on time. If you're procrastinating because you seemed disorganized at the moment, take a break, get back to your table, take time to prepare your to-do list, and then focus on one task at a time. Or, if you're procrastinating because you want a perfect job done, ask yourself how perfect the work requires.

Reward yourself for an accomplishment!!!

Reward yourself. Not only is this motivational, but this will make you feel good and realize that you finish something. You may want to take a break and have a coffee in the lounge area or you may have a little self-pampering with Recovapro.

It may take a while to establish good behavior and overcome procrastination especially if we’ve been through it a lot of times, but don't give up! You can check this infographic by  www.salesforce.com to know more strategies to deal with procrastination.


Credit: Background image: www.freepik.com

